Short Introduction & All That.

Gwyllm here.  I will be serving as curator on the Bardo Matrix site for a bit.  One of the purposes of this blog is to reveal, and simultaneously preserve the works of the artists who helped develop Bardo Matrix through its mutations and permutations.

From the early days in Boulder as The Experimental Cinema group to the publishing efforts in Kathmandu…

The artists who made up the original Bardo Matrix were/are
John Chick
Craig Love
Dana Young
Greg Sharits

Of the four, Craig is still with us. (John passed away March 2013) Craig has been joined by Gwyllm Llwydd to carry on the legacy.

The Bardo Matrix legacy will be slowly unveiled here. We hope you enjoy it, and come to appreciate the beauty & creativity of this collective.

Bright Blessings,

The first works of Bardo Matrix (John Chick’s Mandalas) That I encountered at Clancy’s Bookstore on The Hill in Boulder Colorado:

John Mandala2238-100 John Mandala3240-a
John Mandala1237 -100

(You can click on the images to enlarge btw.)

These two posters are from the Bardo’s early light shows. I attended them both. Amazing stuff!
BM Poster1244-100BM Poster2245-100


From Gregg:

3 Replies to “Short Introduction & All That.”

  1. Hi Craig,
    I think I remember meeting you in the sixties. I came in from Durango with Dana Young and rallied around Clancy’s and Don Yannicito (who is still a very good friend) and The ECG. I live at 1140 10th street. The same building that Gurnie Dobbs, Dana, Gary Crystal and the gals from Bennets Pizza all lived — the first house to get busted in Boulder. John would come by and give me free tickets to The Denver Dog and posters. I did the posters for The Experimental Cinema Group after Dana and John did them. John also fronted me lids which I sold for tuition at CU. You asked Don about Allan Armstrong’s Endore at 1111 pearl, but that was not so CU oriented but a played large in the Boulder hip scene and I knew many people who were directly involved. Dana did some black light paintings that were very good. I remember Bardo matrix light shows especially when the jammed with The Dionysese (sp) Lantern Works at the Balls for piece in UMC’s Glen Miller ballroom. There was a bubble machine with a strobe light, slide projector with pictures of Jesus and Mickey Mouse and a continual loop of Tarzan diving off a cliff while doing his iconic call. The fantastic throbbing images from the overhead projectors all over the stage area done by the glass clock face in oil and color projected in tune with the band. I loved the ‘hippy chicks’ and their long dresses whirling behind the crowds like dervishes. Yes, John Chick was a huge player in getting off the new way of looking at the world. I haven seen him since the 60’s, but was updated via Don Y periodically and certainly does deserve this recognition. I now live in Cañon City doing art and organized a film club at the local Art Center. I’m still intouch with George Long as well. What ever happened to Roger Whitsel or Don Myers?
    C Corey Hendershott

    1. Yow! I knew I knew your name when Allan mentioned it. Shoot me an email at and we can talk. Still can’t figure out what happened to Dana’s roommate Garth (the tie dye king) from Pueblo. I inherited all of Dana’s writing and drawings. I just can’t remember your face! Fun to resurrect those years for sure. I am in touch with Don and Allan so get bits of info here and there. Let’s talk! Craig

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