2 Replies to “Further Along”

  1. Hi- I just found an old business card from John Chick-
    Roving Editor- Have Fantasy Will Travel-
    He was an old acquaintance- who would stop by when I was in ELK-
    on his way to rainbow gatherings-
    I also see my book LOBA- that i illustrated by Diane DiPrima-
    I was sent many copies from the Bardo Matrix from
    Ira Cohen and Roberto Valenza..
    curious about this site-
    Cheers- Josie Grant,mfa

    1. Josie, thank you for commenting.
      This site was put up by the request of John Chick and Craig Love, at that time the two surviving members of the original crew of Bardo Matrix. I was made a member back in 2010 due to the fact that I had hunted them down and told them of my experiences at their shows back in Boulder, 1966-67.

      As you know, John passed away a few years back, and sadly, Craig passed last month. I am now keeping the site going/as I have for the last 12 years or so. If you have any materials you would like to share from Bardo Matrix, please contact me and we can talk.

      Bright Blessings,

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